(compatibility)= # {fas}`puzzle-piece` Compatibility with other libraries This library works by patching and/or extending {py:class}`requests.Session`. Many other libraries out there do the same thing, making it potentially difficult to combine them. For that scenario, a mixin class is provided, so you can create a custom class with behavior from multiple Session-modifying libraries: ```python >>> from requests import Session >>> from requests_cache import CacheMixin >>> from some_other_lib import SomeOtherMixin >>> class CustomSession(CacheMixin, SomeOtherMixin, Session): ... """Session class with features from both some_other_lib and requests-cache""" ``` ## Requests-HTML [requests-html](https://github.com/psf/requests-html) is one library that works with this method: ```python >>> import requests >>> from requests_cache import CacheMixin, install_cache >>> from requests_html import HTMLSession >>> class CachedHTMLSession(CacheMixin, HTMLSession): ... """Session with features from both CachedSession and HTMLSession""" >>> session = CachedHTMLSession() >>> response = session.get('https://github.com/') >>> print(response.from_cache, response.html.links) ``` Or if you are using {py:func}`.install_cache`, you can use the `session_factory` argument: ```python >>> install_cache(session_factory=CachedHTMLSession) >>> response = requests.get('https://github.com/') >>> print(response.from_cache, response.html.links) ``` The same approach can be used with other libraries that subclass {py:class}`requests.Session`. ## Requests-Futures Some libraries, including [requests-futures](https://github.com/ross/requests-futures), support wrapping an existing session object: ```python >>> from requests_cache import CachedSession >>> from requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSession >>> session = FuturesSession(session=CachedSession()) ``` In this case, `FuturesSession` must wrap `CachedSession` rather than the other way around, since `FuturesSession` returns (as you might expect) futures rather than response objects. See [issue #135](https://github.com/requests-cache/requests-cache/issues/135) for more notes on this. ## Requests-OAuthlib Usage with [requests-oauthlib](https://github.com/requests/requests-oauthlib) is the same as other libraries that subclass `requests.Session`: ```python >>> from requests_cache import CacheMixin >>> from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session >>> class CachedOAuth2Session(CacheMixin, OAuth2Session): ... """Session with features from both CachedSession and OAuth2Session""" >>> session = CachedOAuth2Session('my_client_id') ``` ## Requests-Ratelimiter [requests-ratelimiter](https://github.com/JWCook/requests-ratelimiter) adds rate-limiting to requests via the [pyrate-limiter](https://github.com/vutran1710/PyrateLimiter) library. It also provides a mixin, but note that the inheritance order is important: If rate-limiting is applied _after_ caching, you get the added benefit of not counting cache hits against your rate limit. ```python >>> from pyrate_limiter import RedisBucket, RequestRate, Duration >>> from requests import Session >>> from requests_cache import CacheMixin, RedisCache >>> from requests_ratelimiter import LimiterMixin >>> class CachedLimiterSession(CacheMixin, LimiterMixin, Session): ... """Session class with caching and rate-limiting behavior. ... Accepts keyword arguments for both LimiterSession and CachedSession. ... """ >>> # Limit non-cached requests to 5 requests per second, with unlimited cached requests >>> # Optionally use Redis as both the bucket backend and the cache backend >>> session = CachedLimiterSession( ... cache_name='http_cache', ... per_second=5, ... bucket_class=RedisBucket, ... backend=RedisCache(), ... ) ``` ```{warning} When using mixins, use keyword arguments instead of positional arguments whenever possible. The order of positional arguments will change based on inheritance order, but keyword arguments can be passed in any order. ``` ## Internet Archive Usage with [internetarchive](https://github.com/jjjake/internetarchive) is the same as other libraries that subclass `requests.Session`: ```python >>> from requests_cache import CacheMixin >>> from internetarchive.session import ArchiveSession >>> class CachedArchiveSession(CacheMixin, ArchiveSession): ... """Session with features from both CachedSession and ArchiveSession""" >>> session = CachedArchiveSession() ``` ## Requests-Mock [requests-mock](https://github.com/jamielennox/requests-mock) has multiple methods for mocking requests, including a contextmanager, decorator, fixture, and adapter. There are a few different options for using it with requests-cache, depending on how you want your tests to work. ### Disabling requests-cache If you have an application that uses requests-cache and you just want to use requests-mock in your tests, the easiest thing to do is to disable requests-cache. For example, if you are using {py:func}`.install_cache` in your application and the requests-mock [pytest fixture](https://requests-mock.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pytest.html) in your tests, you could wrap it in another fixture that uses {py:func}`.uninstall_cache` or {py:func}`.disabled`: :::{dropdown} Example :animate: fade-in-slide-down :color: primary :icon: file-code ```{literalinclude} ../../tests/compat/test_requests_mock_disable_cache.py ``` ::: Or if you use a `CachedSession` object, you could replace it with a regular `Session`, for example: ```python >>> import unittest >>> import pytest >>> import requests >>> @pytest.fixure(scope='function', autouse=True) >>> def disable_requests_cache(): ... """Replace CachedSession with a regular Session for all test functions""" ... with unittest.mock.patch('requests_cache.CachedSession', requests.Session): ... yield ``` ### Combining requests-cache with requests-mock If you want both caching and mocking features at the same time, you can attach requests-mock's [adapter](https://requests-mock.readthedocs.io/en/latest/adapter.html) to a `CachedSession`: :::{dropdown} Example :animate: fade-in-slide-down :color: primary :icon: file-code `test_requests_mock_combine_cache.py` ```{literalinclude} ../../tests/compat/test_requests_mock_combine_cache.py ``` ::: ### Building a mocker using requests-cache data Another approach is to use cached data to dynamically define mock requests + responses. This has the advantage of only using request-mock's behavior for [request matching](https://requests-mock.readthedocs.io/en/latest/matching.html). ```{literalinclude} ../../tests/compat/test_requests_mock_load_cache.py :lines: 21-40 ``` To turn that into a complete example: :::{dropdown} Example :animate: fade-in-slide-down :color: primary :icon: file-code `test_requests_mock_load_cache.py` ```{literalinclude} ../../tests/compat/test_requests_mock_load_cache.py ``` ::: ## Responses Usage with the [responses](https://github.com/getsentry/responses) library is similar to the requests-mock examples above. :::{dropdown} Example :animate: fade-in-slide-down :color: primary :icon: file-code `test_responses_load_cache.py` ```{literalinclude} ../../tests/compat/test_responses_load_cache.py ``` ::: ## VCR If you would like to reuse your cached response data for unit tests, one option is to convert your cache into a format compatible with VCR-vased libraries like [vcrpy](https://github.com/kevin1024/vcrpy) and [betamax](https://github.com/betamaxpy/betamax). :::{dropdown} Example :animate: fade-in-slide-down :color: primary :icon: file-code `vcr.py` ```{literalinclude} ../../examples/vcr.py :lines: 7- ``` :::