% Note: backend and serializer module docs are auto-generated with apidoc; % the remaining modules are manually added here for more custom formatting. (reference)= # API Reference This section covers all the public interfaces of requests-cache. ## Sessions % Explicitly show inherited method docs on CachedSession instead of CachedMixin ```{eval-rst} .. autoclass:: requests_cache.session.CachedSession :members: send, request, cache_disabled, remove_expired_responses :show-inheritance: ``` ```{eval-rst} .. autoclass:: requests_cache.session.CacheMixin ``` ## Patching ```{eval-rst} .. automodule:: requests_cache.patcher :members: ``` ## Cache Backends ```{toctree} modules/requests_cache.backends ``` ## Models ```{toctree} modules/requests_cache.models ``` ## Serializers ```{toctree} modules/requests_cache.serializers ``` ## Utilities ```{toctree} utilities ```