Source code for requests_cache.backends.base

"""Base classes for all cache backends.

.. automodsumm:: requests_cache.backends.base
import pickle
from abc import ABC
from collections import UserDict
from import MutableMapping
from datetime import datetime
from logging import getLogger
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, Tuple, Union

from ..cache_control import ExpirationTime
from ..cache_keys import create_key, remove_ignored_params, remove_ignored_url_params
from ..models import AnyRequest, AnyResponse, CachedResponse
from ..serializers import init_serializer

# Specific exceptions that may be raised during deserialization
DESERIALIZE_ERRORS = (AttributeError, ImportError, TypeError, ValueError, pickle.PickleError)

# Signature for user-provided callback
KEY_FN = Callable[..., str]

ResponseOrKey = Union[CachedResponse, str]
logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseCache: """Base class for cache backends. Can be used as a non-persistent, in-memory cache. This manages higher-level cache operations, including: * Cache expiration * Generating cache keys * Managing redirect history * Convenience methods for general cache info Lower-level storage operations are handled by :py:class:`.BaseStorage`. To extend this with your own custom backend, see :ref:`custom-backends`. """ def __init__( self, *args, match_headers: Union[Iterable[str], bool] = False, ignored_parameters: Iterable[str] = None, key_fn: KEY_FN = None, **kwargs, ): self.responses: BaseStorage = DictStorage() self.redirects: BaseStorage = DictStorage() self.ignored_parameters = ignored_parameters self.key_fn = key_fn or create_key str = kwargs.get('cache_name', '') self.match_headers = match_headers or kwargs.pop('include_get_headers', False) @property def urls(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Get all URLs currently in the cache (excluding redirects)""" for response in self.values(): yield response.url
[docs] def get_response(self, key: str, default=None) -> CachedResponse: """Retrieve a response from the cache, if it exists Args: key: Cache key for the response default: Value to return if `key` is not in the cache """ try: if key not in self.responses: key = self.redirects[key] response = self.responses[key] response.cache_key = key # Set cache key here, since it's not serialized response.reset() # In case response was in memory and content has already been read return response except KeyError: return default except DESERIALIZE_ERRORS as e: logger.error(f'Unable to deserialize response with key {key}: {str(e)}') logger.debug(e, exc_info=True) return default
[docs] def save_response(self, response: AnyResponse, cache_key: str = None, expires: datetime = None): """Save a response to the cache Args: cache_key: Cache key for this response; will otherwise be generated based on request response: response to save expire_after: Time in seconds until this cache item should expire """ cache_key = cache_key or self.create_key(response.request) cached_response = CachedResponse.from_response(response, expires=expires) cached_response.url = remove_ignored_url_params(response.url, self.ignored_parameters) cached_response.request = remove_ignored_params(cached_response.request, self.ignored_parameters) self.responses[cache_key] = cached_response for r in response.history: self.redirects[self.create_key(r.request)] = cache_key
[docs] def bulk_delete(self, keys: Iterable[str]): """Remove multiple responses and their associated redirects from the cache""" self.responses.bulk_delete(keys) # Remove any redirects that no longer point to an existing response invalid_redirects = [k for k, v in self.redirects.items() if v not in self.responses] self.redirects.bulk_delete(set(keys) | set(invalid_redirects))
[docs] def clear(self): """Delete all items from the cache"""'Clearing all items from the cache') self.responses.clear() self.redirects.clear()
[docs] def create_key(self, request: AnyRequest = None, **kwargs) -> str: """Create a normalized cache key from a request object""" return self.key_fn( request=request, ignored_parameters=self.ignored_parameters, match_headers=self.match_headers, **kwargs, )
[docs] def delete(self, key: str): """Delete a response or redirect from the cache, as well any associated redirect history""" # If it's a response key, first delete any associated redirect history try: for r in self.responses[key].history: del self.redirects[create_key(r.request, self.ignored_parameters)] except (KeyError, *DESERIALIZE_ERRORS): pass # Then delete the response itself, or just the redirect if it's a redirect key for cache in [self.responses, self.redirects]: try: del cache[key] except KeyError: pass
[docs] def delete_url(self, url: str, method: str = 'GET', **kwargs): """Delete a cached response for the specified request""" key = self.create_key(method=method, url=url, **kwargs) self.delete(key)
[docs] def delete_urls(self, urls: Iterable[str], method: str = 'GET', **kwargs): """Delete all cached responses for the specified requests""" keys = [self.create_key(method=method, url=url, **kwargs) for url in urls] self.bulk_delete(keys)
[docs] def has_key(self, key: str) -> bool: """Returns ``True`` if ``key`` is in the cache""" return key in self.responses or key in self.redirects
[docs] def has_url(self, url: str, method: str = 'GET', **kwargs) -> bool: """Returns ``True`` if the specified request is cached""" key = self.create_key(method=method, url=url, **kwargs) return self.has_key(key) # noqa: W601
[docs] def keys(self, check_expiry=False) -> Iterator[str]: """Get all cache keys for redirects and valid responses combined""" yield from self.redirects.keys() for key, _ in self._get_valid_responses(check_expiry=check_expiry): yield key
[docs] def remove_expired_responses(self, expire_after: ExpirationTime = None): """Remove expired and invalid responses from the cache, optionally with revalidation Args: expire_after: A new expiration time used to revalidate the cache """ 'Removing expired responses.' + (f'Revalidating with: {expire_after}' if expire_after else '') ) keys_to_update = {} keys_to_delete = [] for key, response in self._get_valid_responses(delete=True): # If we're revalidating and it's not yet expired, update the cached item's expiration if expire_after is not None and not response.revalidate(expire_after): keys_to_update[key] = response if response.is_expired: keys_to_delete.append(key) # Delay updates & deletes until the end, to avoid conflicts with _get_valid_responses() logger.debug(f'Deleting {len(keys_to_delete)} expired responses') self.bulk_delete(keys_to_delete) if expire_after is not None: logger.debug(f'Updating {len(keys_to_update)} revalidated responses') for key, response in keys_to_update.items(): self.responses[key] = response
[docs] def response_count(self, check_expiry=False) -> int: """Get the number of responses in the cache, excluding invalid (unusable) responses. Can also optionally exclude expired responses. """ return len(list(self.values(check_expiry=check_expiry)))
[docs] def update(self, other: 'BaseCache'): """Update this cache with the contents of another cache""" logger.debug(f'Copying {len(other.responses)} responses from {repr(other)} to {repr(self)}') self.responses.update(other.responses) self.redirects.update(other.redirects)
[docs] def values(self, check_expiry=False) -> Iterator[CachedResponse]: """Get all valid response objects from the cache""" for _, response in self._get_valid_responses(check_expiry=check_expiry): yield response
def _get_valid_responses( self, check_expiry=False, delete=False ) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, CachedResponse]]: """Get all responses from the cache, and skip (+ optionally delete) any invalid ones that can't be deserialized. Can also optionally check response expiry and exclude expired responses. """ invalid_keys = [] for key in self.responses.keys(): try: response = self.responses[key] if check_expiry and response.is_expired: invalid_keys.append(key) else: yield key, response except DESERIALIZE_ERRORS: invalid_keys.append(key) # Delay deletion until the end, to improve responsiveness when used as a generator if delete: logger.debug(f'Deleting {len(invalid_keys)} invalid/expired responses') self.bulk_delete(invalid_keys) def __str__(self): """Show a count of total **rows** currently stored in the backend. For performance reasons, this does not check for invalid or expired responses. """ return f'Total rows: {len(self.responses)} responses, {len(self.redirects)} redirects' def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}(name={})>'
[docs]class BaseStorage(MutableMapping, ABC): """Base class for backend storage implementations. This provides a common dictionary-like interface for the underlying storage operations (create, read, update, delete). One ``BaseStorage`` instance corresponds to a single table/hash/collection, or whatever the backend-specific equivalent may be. ``BaseStorage`` subclasses contain no behavior specific to ``requests`` or caching, which are handled by :py:class:`.BaseCache`. ``BaseStorage`` also contains a serializer module or instance (defaulting to :py:mod:`pickle`), which determines how :py:class:`.CachedResponse` objects are saved internally. See :ref:`serializers` for details. Args: serializer: Custom serializer that provides ``loads`` and ``dumps`` methods kwargs: Additional serializer or backend-specific keyword arguments """ def __init__( self, serializer=None, **kwargs, ): self.serializer = init_serializer(serializer, **kwargs) logger.debug(f'Initializing {type(self).__name__} with serializer: {self.serializer}')
[docs] def bulk_delete(self, keys: Iterable[str]): """Delete multiple keys from the cache, without raising errors for missing keys. This is a naive implementation that subclasses should override with a more efficient backend-specific implementation, if possible. """ for k in keys: try: del self[k] except KeyError: pass
def __str__(self): return str(list(self.keys()))
[docs]class DictStorage(UserDict, BaseStorage): """A basic dict wrapper class for non-persistent, in-memory storage .. note:: This is mostly a placeholder for when no other backends are available. For in-memory caching, either :py:class:`.SQLiteCache` (with `use_memory=True`) or :py:class:`.RedisCache` is recommended instead. """