Cache Inspection#

Here are some ways to get additional information out of the cache session, backend, and responses:

Response Details#

The following attributes are available on responses:

  • from_cache: indicates if the response came from the cache

  • cache_key: The unique identifier used to match the request to the response (see Request Matching for details)

  • created_at: datetime of when the cached response was created or last updated

  • expires: datetime after which the cached response will expire (see Expiration for details)

  • is_expired: indicates if the cached response is expired (if, for example, an old response was returned due to a request error)


Example code

>>> from requests_cache import CachedSession
>>> session = CachedSession(expire_after=timedelta(days=1))

>>> # Placeholders are added for non-cached responses
>>> response = session.get('')
>>> print(response.from_cache, response.created_at, response.expires, response.is_expired)
False None None None

>>> # Values will be populated for cached responses
>>> response = session.get('')
>>> print(response.from_cache, response.created_at, response.expires, response.is_expired)
True 2021-01-01 18:00:00 2021-01-02 18:00:00 False

>>> # Print a response object to get general information about it
>>> print(response)
'request: GET, response: 200 (308 bytes), created: 2021-01-01 22:45:00 IST, expires: 2021-01-02 18:45:00 IST (fresh)'

Cache Contents#

You can use CachedSession.cache.urls to see all URLs currently in the cache:

>>> session = CachedSession()
>>> print(session.cache.urls)
['', '']

If needed, you can get more details on cached responses via CachedSession.cache.responses, which is a dict-like interface to the cache backend. See CachedResponse for a full list of attributes available.

For example, if you wanted to to see all URLs requested with a specific method:

>>> post_urls = [
...     response.url for response in session.cache.responses.values()
...     if response.request.method == 'POST'
... ]

You can also inspect CachedSession.cache.redirects, which maps redirect URLs to keys of the responses they redirect to.

Additional keys() and values() wrapper methods are available on BaseCache to get combined keys and responses.

>>> print('All responses:')
>>> for response in session.cache.values():
>>>     print(response)

>>> print('All cache keys for redirects and responses combined:')
>>> print(list(session.cache.keys()))

Both methods also take a check_expiry argument to exclude expired responses:

>>> print('All unexpired responses:')
>>> for response in session.cache.values(check_expiry=True):
>>>     print(response)

Similarly, you can get a count of responses with BaseCache.response_count(), and optionally exclude expired responses:

>>> print(f'Total responses: {session.cache.response_count()}')
>>> print(f'Unexpired responses: {session.cache.response_count(check_expiry=True)}')