Cache Inspection#

Here are some ways to get additional information out of the cache session, backend, and responses:

Response Details#

The following attributes are available on responses:

  • from_cache: indicates if the response came from the cache

  • cache_key: The unique identifier used to match the request to the response (see Request Matching for details)

  • created_at: datetime of when the cached response was created or last updated

  • expires: datetime after which the cached response will expire (see Expiration for details)

  • is_expired: indicates if the cached response is expired (if, for example, an old response was returned due to a request error)


Example code

>>> from requests_cache import CachedSession
>>> session = CachedSession(expire_after=timedelta(days=1))

>>> # Placeholders are added for non-cached responses
>>> response = session.get('')
>>> print(response.from_cache, response.created_at, response.expires, response.is_expired)
False None None None

>>> # Values will be populated for cached responses
>>> response = session.get('')
>>> print(response.from_cache, response.created_at, response.expires, response.is_expired)
True 2021-01-01 18:00:00 2021-01-02 18:00:00 False

>>> # Print a response object to get general information about it
>>> print(response)
'request: GET, response: 200 (308 bytes), created: 2021-01-01 22:45:00 IST, expires: 2021-01-02 18:45:00 IST (fresh)'

Cache Contents#

You can use CachedSession.cache.urls to see all URLs currently in the cache:

>>> session = CachedSession()
>>> print(session.cache.urls)
['', '']

If needed, you can get more details on cached responses via CachedSession.cache.responses, which is a dict-like interface to the cache backend. See CachedResponse for a full list of attributes available.

For example, if you wanted to to see all URLs requested with a specific method:

>>> post_urls = [
...     response.url for response in session.cache.responses.values()
...     if response.request.method == 'POST'
... ]

You can also inspect CachedSession.cache.redirects, which maps redirect URLs to keys of the responses they redirect to.

Filtering responses#

Use BaseCache.filter() to get responses with optional filters. By default, it returns all responses except any invalid ones that would raise an exception:

>>> for response in session.cache.filter():
>>>     print(response)

Get unexpired responses:

>>> for response in session.cache.filter(expired=False):
>>>     print(response)

Get keys for only expired responses:

>>> expired_responses = session.cache.filter(valid=False, expired=True)
>>> keys = [response.cache_key for response in expired_responses]