Source code for requests_cache.serializers.cattrs

Utilities to break down :py:class:`.CachedResponse` objects into a dict of python builtin types
using `cattrs <>`_. This does the majority of the work needed for all
serialization formats.

.. automodsumm:: requests_cache.serializers.cattrs

.. automodsumm:: requests_cache.serializers.cattrs
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from decimal import Decimal
from json import JSONDecodeError
from typing import Callable, Dict, ForwardRef, MutableMapping, Optional

from cattr import Converter
from requests.cookies import RequestsCookieJar, cookiejar_from_dict
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict

from ..models import CachedResponse, DecodedContent
from .pipeline import Stage

    import ujson as json
except ImportError:
    import json  # type: ignore

[docs]class CattrStage(Stage): """Base serializer class that does pre/post-processing with ``cattrs``. This can be used either on its own, or as a stage within a :py:class:`.SerializerPipeline`. Args: factory: A callable that returns a ``cattrs`` converter to start from instead of a new ``Converter``. Mainly useful for preconf converters. decode_content: Save response body in human-readable format, if possible Notes on ``decode_content`` option: * Response body will be decoded into a human-readable format (if possible) during serialization, and re-encoded during deserialization to reconstruct the original response. * Supported Content-Types are ``application/json`` and ``text/*``. All other types will be saved as-is. * Decoded responses are saved in a separate ``_decoded_content`` attribute, to ensure that ``_content`` is always binary. * This is the default behavior for Filesystem, DynamoDB, and MongoDB backends. """ def __init__( self, factory: Optional[Callable[..., Converter]] = None, decode_content: bool = False, **kwargs ): self.converter = init_converter(factory, **kwargs) self.decode_content = decode_content
[docs] def dumps(self, value: CachedResponse) -> Dict: if not isinstance(value, CachedResponse): return value response_dict = self.converter.unstructure(value) return _decode_content(value, response_dict) if self.decode_content else response_dict
[docs] def loads(self, value: Dict) -> CachedResponse: if not isinstance(value, MutableMapping): return value return _encode_content(self.converter.structure(value, cl=CachedResponse))
[docs]def init_converter( factory: Optional[Callable[..., Converter]] = None, convert_datetime: bool = True, convert_timedelta: bool = True, ) -> Converter: """Make a converter to structure and unstructure nested objects within a :py:class:`.CachedResponse` Args: factory: An optional factory function that returns a ``cattrs`` converter convert_datetime: May be set to ``False`` for pre-configured converters that already have datetime support """ factory = factory or Converter try: converter = factory(omit_if_default=True) # Handle previous versions of cattrs (<22.2) that don't support this argument except TypeError: converter = factory() # Convert datetimes to and from iso-formatted strings if convert_datetime: converter.register_unstructure_hook(datetime, lambda obj: obj.isoformat() if obj else None) converter.register_structure_hook(datetime, _to_datetime) # Convert timedeltas to and from float values in seconds if convert_timedelta: converter.register_unstructure_hook( timedelta, lambda obj: obj.total_seconds() if obj else None ) converter.register_structure_hook(timedelta, _to_timedelta) # Convert dict-like objects to and from plain dicts converter.register_unstructure_hook(RequestsCookieJar, lambda obj: dict(obj.items())) converter.register_structure_hook(RequestsCookieJar, lambda obj, cls: cookiejar_from_dict(obj)) converter.register_unstructure_hook(CaseInsensitiveDict, dict) converter.register_structure_hook( CaseInsensitiveDict, lambda obj, cls: CaseInsensitiveDict(obj) ) # Convert decoded JSON body back to string converter.register_structure_hook( DecodedContent, lambda obj, cls: json.dumps(obj) if isinstance(obj, dict) else obj ) # Resolve forward references (required for CachedResponse.history) converter.register_unstructure_hook_func( lambda cls: cls.__class__ is ForwardRef, lambda obj, cls=None: converter.unstructure(obj, cls.__forward_value__ if cls else None), ) converter.register_structure_hook_func( lambda cls: cls.__class__ is ForwardRef, lambda obj, cls: converter.structure(obj, cls.__forward_value__), ) return converter
[docs]def make_decimal_timedelta_converter(**kwargs) -> Converter: """Make a converter that uses Decimals instead of floats to represent timedelta objects""" converter = Converter(**kwargs) converter.register_unstructure_hook( timedelta, lambda obj: Decimal(str(obj.total_seconds())) if obj else None ) converter.register_structure_hook(timedelta, _to_timedelta) return converter
def _decode_content(response: CachedResponse, response_dict: Dict) -> Dict: """Decode response body into a human-readable format, if possible""" # Decode body as JSON if response.headers.get('Content-Type') == 'application/json': try: response_dict['_decoded_content'] = response.json() response_dict.pop('_content', None) except (JSONDecodeError, RequestException): pass # Decode body as text if response.headers.get('Content-Type', '').startswith('text/'): response_dict['_decoded_content'] = response.text response_dict.pop('_content', None) # Otherwise, it is most likely a binary body return response_dict def _encode_content(response: CachedResponse) -> CachedResponse: """Re-encode response body if saved as JSON or text; has no effect for a binary response body""" if isinstance(response._decoded_content, str): response._content = response._decoded_content.encode('utf-8') response._decoded_content = None response.encoding = 'utf-8' # Set encoding explicitly so requests doesn't have to guess response.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(response._content)) # Size may have changed return response def _to_datetime(obj, cls) -> datetime: if isinstance(obj, str): obj = datetime.fromisoformat(obj) return obj def _to_timedelta(obj, cls) -> timedelta: if isinstance(obj, (int, float)): obj = timedelta(seconds=obj) elif isinstance(obj, Decimal): obj = timedelta(seconds=float(obj)) return obj